St Matthew's Day Camp
Day Camp Staff Application Process
Who Can Apply?
St. Matthew’s Day Camp enjoys a proud tradition of offering an adventurous and joyous summer to the campers. This is primarily because of our dedicated, well trained, and very creative staff. Each year, several new staff members are hired to replace those who have moved on to new responsibilities and adventures. We are looking for individuals with outstanding creativity, excellent judgment, and tremendous energy to join us at Day Camp. Applicants must be in their freshman year of high school or older.
Staff members are required to be present for two days of Staff Orientation and the entire camp session. Day Camp 2025 Orientation will be Saturday and Sunday, June 14th and 15th; Camp generally meets Monday through Thursday, June 16th through July 24th. Camp is closed for the June 19th holiday but will be in session on Friday, June 20th. A tentative camp calendar can be viewed on this website. Please remember that you may not work at camp if you cannot attend the entire Orientation and all days of camp
Online staff applications usually open during November and are due at the beginning of December. All applicants must complete an interview; these usually take place in December and January. Staff decision letters are typically emailed around Easter time.
Staff Applications for Day Camp 2025 are now closed.
We understand that some applicants may be away at college and therefore it may be helpful for a parent of the applicant to assist in the application process. However, we strongly encourage all applicants to communicate with the camp staff personally whenever possible.
For more information on becoming part of the Day Camp staff, please contact John Meyers: animator@stmatthews.com